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Bath sauna how to be healthy?
Bath sauna how to be healthy?
Bath sauna how to be healthy?
Sauna bathing is a form of rehabilitation is very good, but how to shower properly, not everyone knows. Hard work, stress thangsuot on a computer, with numbers, with constant meetings ... all of us need cosu rest, relax. There are many methods thucde rehabilitation, which is common tamsauna. However, there are people bathing saunave feel very healthy, have nothing much dacbiet, people bathing in the coal more uncomfortable, fatigue, headaches, cramps ... Sauna bathing is a form of health phuchoi very good, however how chodung a bath, then we must have the knowledge of how banve this bathroom, lest the movement just like, I also went dithi people, spend money, datduoc without time-consuming healthy results, the truth is unjust! What is Sauna Bath? Here is mothinh of dry sauna, the heat generated tumot generator dry heat (no steam). Nhietdo be put in a room usually made of wood, depending on the size of a small bathroom that is personal, for two or more bathrooms collective nguoi.Nhiet the sauna bath is usually very high, ranging tu80- 120 ° C, this temperature can be chinhcho suitable for taking a bath. Duoctrang sauna baths have been fully equipped as dodat temperature gauges inside the room, an alarm clock to benngoai room temperature for reference. Light bright enough, there Dunda hot oven and stone trays, pots containing normal water, herbal water can be added flavoring ... Room floor is tiled and wooden floors have been designed from low to high (tangtren the highest temperatures). When the temperature in the sauna trongphong appropriate, we can step vaophong sauna bath with a few things to keep in mind the following: tamtoan itself is clean but not dry, make it wet giucho body after showering and entering phongsauna (when the body is wet so we can do quenvoi dry heat of the sauna and Honma easily without feeling uncomfortable when sudden heat), heat can be used alone or to create doam the room we use water or water duocthao medicine and flavoring preparations on nhunghon stone is heated, steam tunhung hot stones will create humidity, and air in the room chokhong fragrant medicinal huonglieu bath and make very pleasant and chosuc health benefits. Normally saunaduoc bathroom designs for men and women should own at trongphong sauna when we can wear underwear with towels or quanquanh people. When should sit otang new low, while getting used to the temperature in the room, we will go on the higher level, the new shower head saunalan not try to sit in the room for too long, out of the room to see suffocated and discomfort, nghingoi a bit then back on again, the bath tub can quenco 20-40 minutes, but it should not continue in the sauna ngoilien too long (over 40 minutes) because sweating will bimat harmful health. When out of the sauna room should tamvoi sen, a bath or a cool pool donuoc normal temperature, if in the center of large tamsauna fully qualified, equipped themnhung swimming pool water temperatures from 10-15 thamchi degrees C colder longer (5 degrees C). Want honuoc cold bath in this (after sauna bath) we must tramminh down quickly so the body is hot duoctiep contact with cold water immediately, the new totcho circulatory system and increase resistance of cothe. Bathing in cold water lakes tamnhanh (only few minutes), then the dry, on a room-temperature nghitrong normal, airtight (no drafts), should not have air conditioning in the room wearing too cold mode . Drink tea or tea thaonong medicine, in many cases there sweating thephai drink more fluid or oral rehydration salts motly hot lemon. Do not drink alcohol or thucuong alcohol, do not drink cold. We can go to the bathroom saunalai second or third time if you like chophep health, but not so many times in a row sauna bath, takes a lot of sweat can cause millions chungnhu fatigue, heart palpitations, headaches head, nausea, chuotrut, numb hands and feet ... If the full body massage at the sauna bath saukhi nothing more wonderful! Why sauna bath to good health chosuc? When the sauna bath, body in very high conhiet environment should react by tangtiet sweat to reduce body temperature, the temperature in the sauna tuynhien always laicang high body must constantly sweating ( tichcuc sweat secretion compared with other methods) and although much more mohoi how much body heat is also khonggiam and increasingly khichung gradually increased until we see enough out of the room and sauna. Khitam phenomenon sauna sweating occurs so strong so nhungchat toxic residues in the body sweat out the thaitheo positively nhat.Suc hot also makes the pores expansion , tangcuong metabolic phenomena in the skin, making the skin more youthful and minmang! When the hot steam, nhietluong also make the body fat tieutan go pretty much, so very good sauna bath chonhung who are overweight, obese. Cuonghoat sauna bathing increases the action of the authorities, especially the immunity and resistance of the body. Hopvoi sauna bath to massage the body with the ability to neutralize metmoi, stress, energy recreating the daily life was tieuhao. However, not everyone sauna bath deuco also possible that the opposite result can make benhtinh are available to worse, so we taphai held to clarify the form of the disease should not go tamsauna as severe cardiovascular disease, Hypertension nangkhong stable sequelae cerebral vascular accident, benhtam waste chronic bronchitis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or severe asthma ... To ensure the health, chronic disease nhungnguoi want to go to sauna bathing thamkhao doctors opinion. Some basic things to nhaclai, sauna bath is a way through rehabilitation khoethong phenomenon hyperhidrosis, so nhungtruong case lost by sweating labor nangnhoc, play some sports such as badminton, tennis , dabanh ... if you want to recreate your health by tamsauna must note carefully loss nuoccua body to replace those lost motcach full, avoiding accidents can happen. 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